Katherine, Worcestershire

I started seeing Caroline to help with managing my eczema flare-ups. These had become so bad that I was considering immunosuppressant therapy. Given the general advice and evidence of diet and eczema, I was unsure whether it would be successful or not, but I felt at that point, it was worth giving it a try. I came across Caroline online – I have found our sessions to be incredibly informative and they helped me to make sense of symptoms I’ve had for years, such as why the same things inconsistently trigger my eczema. Caroline has also given me insight into immune responses and why eczema is a complex condition. With Caroline’s support, I cut out wheat and dairy (but successfully re-introduced these things) along with taking more fish oil and probiotics. The results have been brilliant but it’s not been without time and work; Caroline has been a huge support with her encouragement, knowledge and ‘real-life’ approach. I still get flare ups, and always will, but they are less frequent and more manageable when they occur. Better still, I have started to prepare most foods from scratch (something I had never done prior to seeing Caroline) and overall, eat a more varied diet which has had other positive benefits. I am no longer considering immunotherapy. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Caroline to others with similar problems. Thanks Caroline!