Caroline Rees PhD

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How to eat delicious food and transform your health

Want to try nutritional therapy but wondering if you’ll like the food? You don’t need to worry that you’ll be put on a strict diet of denial, and asked to survive on green juice and cabbage. My aim is for you to eat delicious food and gain health. Sure, you might have to swap a few things around, but the swaps you’ll be adding will taste great!

Food adventures

Much of what we usually eat is based on habit: it’s a lot easier, requires less thought and feels safer, if we stick to the things we know and like. My suggestions during your nutritional therapy consultation will give you the chance to try new things and create new habits, develop new tastes and expand your horizons! When my son first went to a school where there was cooked lunch provided, for the first term he had the same lunch every day: jacket potato with beans. I remember telling his teacher this, who suggested to him that he should go on a “dining room adventure”! I’d love you to do the same.

Changing tastes

Before I found success with weight loss and better health, whenever I tried to change my diet, I focussed on all the things I was not supposed to eat and despaired of never being able to eat cake again! When I focussed on all the lovely food I could eat, and experimented with new ideas, new recipes, everything was much easier. What I discovered on my adventures is that, with time, the foods that do not benefit my body became less appealing. When I try them now, I wonder why I loved them so much before. Your tastes really can change. (And, in case you wondered, I do sometimes till eat cake,.)

What is your food doing for you?

Food is not simply calories that supplies energy to your body and which if you eat less will cause weight loss and health. Food is information: its composition tells your body how to respond. Is your food telling your body to store fat or build muscle? Mount an immune attack or fail to fight an infection? Increase your blood pressure or keep it controlled? Lower your mood or improve your concentration? Build your bones or break them down? It is the vitamin, mineral and chemical composition of the food that instructs your body what to do, not the calories.  Learning how different foods affect you in particular can help you to ensure the foods you choose are helping you on your journey to better health or holding you back.

You can change the story

How you think about food can affect how your body responds to it. What? If you don’t enjoy your food, you won’t digest it properly and you won’t benefit from its positive properties. Take time to ensure your meals are packed with good information (vitamins and minerals, essential fats and proteins), packed with flavour (and herbs and spices do more than just flavour food, they also contain information for the body), and packed with enjoyment (including where you eat, who you eat with and how long you take to really taste your food).


When you work with me, after I’ve identified the approach that is right for you, we’ll discuss a range of different ideas on how to add new (and delicious) foods to your life, that will enhance your health. Start your adventure to better health through great food by contacting me for a consultation.